
Images should move people

Creating videos and photos for you that move people. Move them emotionally, physically and move them in your direction as clients. That is what we are about. With a marketing background and a deep passion for cinematography we want to assist you in creating the visual content that will help drive your business.

It is our believe that creating visual images is an art form and has the capability to move people as such. We therefore always strive to this goal. There are way too many boring regular commercials, corporate videos or photos that merely spam the people these companies try to court. Going the extra mile and putting in the effort instead of merely taking the shot is what sets us apart. 

We look forward to working with you. Contact us now to get started.

Rutger Kamphuis, founder


we believe images should move people, move them emotionally, move them physically, and move them to you and your organization


your services and products will be given the visual presenting they deserve. our approach connects your target viewers with visuals that move them

who we are for

we do our best work with partners and clients that aim to show off a modern approach that have something to special to show.


we create all over Cascadia in Western Canada; British Columbia and the Yukon as we are often used to travel for our videos and photos, including those remote, hard to reach gems of locations.


Our origins are in marketing but found that while most creators out there can create beautiful images…….. the images don’t do anything. In the end your business has to attract new clients so the images need to move people in your direction 

who doesn't fit

if you are looking to mass market products or services we recommend finding a different visual content supplier. our approach works best in more specific markets where target audiences are more focused